Dalila Roglieri

Pasta and Cabbage

Traditional Apulian dish, it is often denigrated due to the smell that cabbage tends to spread during cooking. It is worth overcoming this obstacle to the consumption of cabbage due to its exceptional properties in the prevention of inflammatory diseases or neoplasms. Furthermore, the consumption of cabbage keeps aging at bay thanks to its very powerful anti-aging properties.

Opinion of the chef

To limit the dispersion of the smell of cabbage, you can use a pressure cooker or an oven hood.

This recipe involves the use of the risotto method to obtain a creamier dish: the pasta is cooked with the cabbage and the starch that is produced, leading to the formation of a delicate cream that makes the dough thick without the need to introduce butter.

Nutritionist's advice

It is a first course that should be introduced at least once a week. Instead of cabbage, you can consume broccoli, savoy cabbage or Roman cabbage: all the brassicaceae, in fact, are among the hundred vegetables with the greatest preventive function and the best nutritional qualities.