Dalila Roglieri

Cocoa Bread

Raining outside? You will have to prepare this very fast and delicious COCOA BREAD. Great for a snack and breakfast!


200 gr. Type 2 flour
100 gr. Potato starch
40 gr. Bitter cocoa
100 gr. sugar
1 sachet of yeast
1 teaspoon of vinegar
1 pinch of baking soda
1 handful of dark chocolate chips
250 ml of water

Opinion of the chef

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C and very simply proceed by mixing all the dry ingredients. At this point add the water and finally the vinegar.

Line a loaf pan with baking paper (wet and then squeezed) and pour the mixture.

Bake for 40 minutes!

Nutritionist's advice

You can easily make this recipe gluten free by replacing the semi-wholemeal flour with a rice or buckwheat flour. The potato starch can instead be replaced by rice starch